Sarah, I humbly accept. I was going to make a crack about this being kind of like getting a "best daughter" award from my mom, but it makes me so happy that someone is reading my blog. In recognition of the honor, I'm going to try to make this entry less wordy, and more beautiful-- turns out knitting snafus make me ramble on... and on...
First, seven things about me:
- I'm going to become a homeowner soon. This is pretty exciting.
- I own way too many books, and since becoming a full-fledged knitting junkie I barely read anymore, unless you count obsessively trolling Ravelry forums. (Vickie, I confess I just acquired another Penguin: Great Expectations!)
- I'm double jointed in both thumbs.
- I never thought I would end up living less than 10 miles from my hometown.
- My husband and I are exact zodiac opposites-- which is "perfect" according to our friend Kourosh. Imagine him saying "perfect" with unconstrained glee in an Iranian accent. Oh yeah, and I was apparently born on "The Day of Authority", which basically sums up my whole personality.
- Eric and I have impromptu dance parties in our kitchen most nights. I invented something called the finger dance. At least I think I invented it.
- I taught myself to knit Continental in November and am now an almost-exclusive Continental knitter after 10 years of English knitting. This makes me absurdly proud of myself. (I have also recently acquired a taste for rye whiskey. Not quite so proud of that.)
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