I was quite successful in my knitting mission and am now fairly proficient at Continental knitting. The real test will be two-color stranding with yarn in EACH hand. Alas, I shall have to postpone such feats of skill for another time, for the holidays are upon us, I'm feeling poor, and there are presents to be made. I have decided on felted slippers for my family and in-laws... holy shit, I have in-laws.
Every holiday season, the same thing occurs. I fall in love with an expensive coat or pair of boots at the same time I have to buy presents for everyone. I remain coat- and boot-less. This year is even more pathetic given the money shelled out for wedding and honeymoon. There is no WAY I am getting these (for example):

Yes, they are perfect, yes they are on sale, but no, I have to buy a bunch of presents for other people, most of which are unneeded and unwanted, in exchange for things I neither want nor need. Bah humbug.
At least Patons yarn is both $4.99 a skein AND perfect for felting. I have eight pairs to make, so I'd better get cracking.
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