Sunday, May 3, 2009

Lazy/productive weekend

I must have forgot to put "sleep at least 9 hours per night" on my to do list for the week. I've been in bed by 10PM every night and up at 7 or 8AM. This is weird because I usually get 7-7.5 hours/sleep on working days. Granted, I wake up for 1-2 minutes every few hours when I sleep during the day. Usually because there are cat whiskers trembling mere centimeters from my face.

Yesterday we ran some errands-- finally got to the post office with Vickie's present, went to the yarn store, dropped off my new jeans to be hemmed-- and test-drove some new cars. I have never had a new car, and now it looks as though I will very soon. We have a 12-year-old Saab that we bought from my parents five years ago. We probably will buy a Honda Civic.

So I was shopping for sensible cars while my coworkers were sleeping off their hangovers. I know this because of Facebook. [Sigh] Being an adult is so interesting from the inside.

I also attacked the water stains on my couch today! One of my feline friends is somewhat bulimic of late and decided our couch, the only piece of brand-new, expensive, and difficult to clean furniture that we own, would be an excellent place to purge in the middle of the night. Fortunately, my other feline friend saw fit to consume most of what the other one left-- I can't believe I let these guys cuddle with me in my bed. Anyway, I wiped the couch down with cool water (thanks, Google), and when it dried, it left some lovely water stains. Every time I see those stains I yell at the cat, which probably doesn't help her bulimia much. So today I blasted those babies with my hair dryer. Good times.

But it wasn't all fun and games at my apartment this weekend. We had some friends over this evening and between the four of us we drank a bottle of wine! And played Settlers of Catan! And ate vegan chocolate cupcakes! Crazy!

Oh, and I'm reading Pride and Prejudice again. Just stick a fork in me now, I'm done.

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